Support us!
There are various ways to support our orchestra. You can provide ongoing support by becoming a friend of the orchestra. As a token of our gratitude, you will receive acknowledgment in each program! Of course, you can also make a one-time donation or sponsor our orchestra.
Become a Friend of the orchestra
We highly value our Friends! They ensure that we can continue to present wonderful concerts in the long term. Interested in becoming a Friend? You can join for as little as €20 per year. To do so, please fill out this form and send it to the following email adress: Thanks a lot!
One-time donation
Would you like to make a one-time donation? You can use the form below for that:
You are also welcome to make your donation manually by transferring it to NL53 INGB 0001 5146 91, payable to CMC Nijmegen. We greatly appreciate your donation and would also appreciate it if you could include the reason for the donation in the payment description or email it to
Is your company interested in sponsoring the orchestra? Send an email to to discuss the possibilities. We are keen to give back to our sponsors, which could include complimentary tickets to our concert, performance of an ensemble at a corporate event, or even a concert by the entire orchestra for your employees.