The board

Het bestuur van het Nijmeegs Studentenorkest bestaat uit vijf enthousiaste orkestleden. Elk half jaar wordt er een nieuw bestuur ingestemd. Het bestuur van 2024-II heeft zich als volgt geconstitueerd:

  • Chair – Julie Hanssen
  • Secretaris – Frédérique Braakman
  • Treasurer – David Hegeman
  • Orkestchef – Thijmen Wijnands
  • Logistics Coordinator – Renske Kikstra

Chair – Julie Hanssen
The chair keeps track of everything that happens in the association. Furthermore, the chair is the face of the association and he or she is contact with the conductor and soloists.

Secretaris – Frédérique Braakman
The secretary is responsible for all communications in and around the association. In addition, he or she assists the chair in his or her duties and keeps track of the administration.

Treasurer – David Hegeman
The treasurer takes care of the association's finances. He or she prepares the budget and manages the contributions, grants and declarations. Furthermore, he or she talks about contact with Friends of the orchestra and donors.

Orkestchef – Thijmen Wijnands
The orchestra coordinator makes sure that we can play every concert with full occupation. He or she arranges auditions and approaches and coordinates the guest players.

Logistics Coordinator – Renske Kikstra
The logistics coordinator arranges the weekly rehearsal rooms and accommodations for rehearsal weekends and parties. Furthermore, he or she deals with the transportation and rental of instruments.

Funding and Sponsors Coordinator - Vacancy
The funding and sponsors coordinator collects money for the orchestra, by offering ensembles for parties or ceremonies and by drawing funds and sponsors.